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"...with all the attractions of the traditional leading lady and the added accomplishment of some remarkably fine singing."
(Plymouth Western Herald)
"...How well Pamela Field has fitted into the Company. Already in her poise and singing, she has established herself as a favourite."
(Manchester Evening Post)
"...Pamela Field as Elsie Maynard was also impressive. Her singing was a delight and her acting was entirely convincing."
(Eastern Daily Press)
"...some excellent singing from Pamela Field."

"...was outstanding among the ladies for her singing of Elsie Maynard."
(Hull Daily Mail)

" was the first time I had seen that pretty and melodious singer in the role which might have been created for her, so well does she become it. Gone are the days when it was incumbent upon a singer to be buxom and Pamela Field is so petite as to make one wonder where all the sound is coming from. Her lovely voice combined with a delicious sense of comedy made her a Patience to remember."
(The Stage and Television Today)
"...The star of the show proved to be the popular soprano Pamela Field, who delighed the audience as Yum-Yum."
(G & S Concert; Windsor, Slough and Eton Express)
"...has a superb voice plus that magic which reaches out across the footlights."
(Manchester Evening News)
"...possessed the most accomplished voice of the cast."
(Western Mail)
"...has a fabulous voice for Sullivan, and used it to tremendous effect."
(Bradford Telegraph and Argus)
" an attractive heroine with a voice to match."
(Norwich Eastern Daily Express)
"...was excellent and added real class to the production."
" one of the best singers, and I mean singers to grace this Company (D'Oyly Carte) in recent years. Here is a fully supported soprano tone used with musical resource as well as charm."
(Opera Magazine)
"...was certainly worth her weight in gold. She sings beautifully."
(Wimbledon News)
"...was in excellent voice. She is one of the D'Oyly Carte's prize assets, able to sing any one of six roles at the drop of a hat."
(South Wales Echo)
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